Aug 10, 2023Tim Steinbrenner

Our latest natural hair colour review comes from the stunning Canadian blogger, Alanna, who just tried NATURIGIN Ebony 2.3 to colour her hair at home. This is her result and experience with using NATURIGIN.

“Back in the day, I had my hair colored a lot. As in bleaching it every month. Yikes! Several years ago, when that high-school-hair phase had finally ended, I went back to my brunette roots; Not only do I prefer the lower maintenance, but I feel  better about not exposing myself to some pretty harmful chemicals as often as I was. When I found NATURIGIN, my hair was in desperate need of some help (last year I decided to try out dark purple hair, unaware that permanent red was used underneath… it still looks orange)!

NATURIGIN staff were really helpful when trying to decide the right color, as I wanted to go as dark as possible without being black, to make sure that lovely orange was covered. On their advise, I went with Ebony (which I know sounds like black, but there is one level darker that is actually called Black).

Moving on now to how the product applied:

Easily. I did have a friend do it for me, but since I was doing a full head color, I could have done it myself with a little help from a mirror. No different than any other home hair dye kit, with no tricky instructions to report. Just get it on there as evenly as possible, rub it around, and leave it to take. When it’s time to wash out, there’s a little treatment package that you use first, and then they suggest to follow up with a conditioner.

I don’t know about you, but I think it’s a MAJOR improvement! I love how the color still has some dimension in the sun, but is so rich and full. I did take the “afters” a few days later, as when it first came out after the application, it looked maybe a touch too black – but after shampooing and conditioning it settled perfectly into what you see above.

My hair also wasn’t overly dry or processed feeling at all afterwards; it didn’t seem as harsh as some treatments I’ve had in salons before, so that’s another plus! It’s been about a month now – and several washes later – and I think it’s holding up pretty well.”

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