Aug 10, 2023Tim Steinbrenner

Holly White has been using NATURIGIN ‘Dark Blonde 5.3’ for several months. Here are her thoughts on NATURIGIN 

During this time I’ve let some parts of my beauty routine slide to the wayside and my nails are enjoying the rest but when it comes to my hair I needed to find a solution.

When I transitioned my beauty products towards vegan and cruelty free versions hair colour was the last thing I was able to find an option for. I like my colour to look natural and polished but also be results driven and -let’s be honest here – cover my roots!

I had my last professional appointment back in February and since then every month have been using NATURIGIN home colour monthly. NATURIGIN is 100 % free of ammonia and parabens and contain natural oils and extracts and are organic certified by ECOCERT.

– The motivation to start the company was the owner’s diagnosis with breast cancer. She wanted to make sure that other women had a healthier and cleaner choice of hair colours without dangerous ingredients and the range comprises of 19 organic-based 100 % permanent hair colours with a 100 % grey hair coverage.

I am only learning about clean beauty and a lot of the science requires research but what is reassuring is NATURIGIN were announced the winner of the best natural beauty product by Natural Product Awards in USA 2014-2015 and their ingredients are 98 % naturally based. They also have the lowest level of PPD in the international market at 0,02 %. and as is vital for me their products are NOT tested on animals and are 100 % cruelty-free and their packaging is made from recycled material.

My Tips for good home colour

Step 1: Choose wisely. NATURIGIN have natural hair colours with a 100 % grey hair coverage. I always go lighter than I think as in my experience my colour comes up a little darker on my hair. I use Shade Dark Blonde and love the end result.

Step 2: Don’t wash your hair for two days before you dye—you want your scalp’s natural oils to act as a barrier against irritation.

Step 3: Do a strand test first by applying color on a small section. This will help you work out timing. Your hair texture will factor in here: The finer it is, the faster it’ll lighten—you may need five minutes less than the box says; if you have coarse or dry hair, you can go by the recommended time.

Step 4: Read, reread, and follow the box instructions to a T.

Step 5: When it comes to applying your colour make sure you have some balm as a barrier on your forehead and any areas that might stain. Ensure you are in clothing you don’t mind getting stained in case anything spills and also use an old towel.

Step 6: I always find I love the colour even more after a second wash so wait to see the full end result.

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