Aug 10, 2023Tim Steinbrenner

Just like your skin reacts during fall and winter season, your hair does too. The cold and dry air removes the moist in your hair, it leaves your hair dry and frizzy, which is both annoying and damaging for your hair and sensitive scalp. This is why it is important to take good care of your hair and scalp during these cold winter months.

1. Avoid harmful ingredients

First of all, it is key to find a shampoo and conditioner that contains glycerine and a low PH-value, which counteracts itch, dryness and irritation. There are a lot of products on the market that promise healthy and shiny hair. Unfortunately, most of these products contain harmful ingredients such as perfume and parabens. If you suffer from dry scalp, dandruff and so on, it is even more important to avoid these harmful ingredients.

2. Think about how often you wash your hair

To prevent your hair from drying out in the cold, try to keep hair washing to a minimum, if possible, only 2 to 3 times a week.

3. Avoid ponytails

Another great tip is to keep your hair down as much as possible, this will prevent the additional breakage that a rubber band creates. If you wear a ponytail, wear it in different heights, to avoid too much pressure in one area.

4. Choose a sulphate-free shampoo

Sulphate is a very common ingredient when it comes to shampoo. BUT at the same time, it is also very damaging for your hair. Sulphate is mostly responsible for foaming in shampoo, soaps and detergents. Sulphate can irritate skin and eyes, and it also strips your hair of natural oils because it works so aggressively. Therefore, it can be beneficial to invest in a sulphate-free shampoo.

5. Avoid hot showers

It is tempting to turn on the hot water when it is freezing outside, but it can damage both your scalp, skin and hair, by stripping it of moisture.
Thank you for reading this blogpost – Have a great (hair)day!

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